Sunday, January 27, 2013

Thrift Finds: Literally Speaking

A few posts ago, I mentioned a big purchase I'd made
in the vintage department.

I hereby consider this piece to be the one where I "crossed over"
in the said vintage-loving department!

I think there comes a time in every vintage collector/enthusiast/hoarder's
experience where it goes beyond buying cute knick knacks,
and you find yourself looking at something and thinking
" I little crazy for wanting this?"
But as crazy as it seems--you just. Must. BUY.

So here she is!
Or should I say, they.

A 1960's theater set decoration.
And it lights up!

It does need a little work.
One of the wires needs to be tightened,
and some of the bulbs need to be replaced.
It came with extras.

It's nearly 8 feet tall!
That's pretty big for our tiny little house by the sea.
I loved the cute Edwardian era couple though,
and when it's lit up--it looks so cool!

When I was buying it 
(from my favorite thrift store here in Oregon, no less--that place rocks!)
everyone was asking what I was going to do with it--
put it in a restaurant? Did I have a shop?
I think maybe they thought putting it in a house was a little odd, lol!

Oh well.
My bedroom needed a night light, what can I say?

Linking up here:


Shortbread and Ginger said...

What a very unusual find! Sometimes we just have to have something whether we have the room or not. Enjoy it!
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

Marium said...

I would absolutely love to have this in my house! Awesome find, good for you!

The Frugal Shrink said...

What a great piece!! I wouldn't have left it behind, either. Thanks for visiting my blog!! :)

Heather@Tatter and Fray said...

I love the night light line... :) That is a FABULOUS piece -- so unusual! You have to snap these things up when you find them!

L'Heure Bleue At Home said...

It is so unique! It must look amazing when it's lit up. I would have bought it too even though my home is small. Thanks so much for dropping by L'Heure Bleue At Home.

Cameron said...

Wow! That's an amazing piece, Marty! Just so cool! I can see why you had to have it :D

Katie - Something to be Found said...

Not crazy at all!! You have to post pics once you get it up in your house!

Mollie D said...

Holy Amazing find!!

Vintage Coconut said...

That is AWESOME! I would have totally NEEDED to buy it too. I mean seriously??? How many other people will have something like that?
Love the colors and detail.

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

ok that is totally cool. I wish my thrifts had awesome stuff

Kitty said...