Friday, July 29, 2011

I came across this fun photo project on a lovely blog called Fritzi Marie. I didn't do so well with my last attempt at this (hmm....I think I made it a few days worth?), but what I like about this is that you don't have to post on a theme...just whatever you want to capture about a particular day. Words or now words...there are no rules. I love what the creator of this event, Susannah Conway, says about it: "No pressure – just looking at August through your camera lens as a way to be more present this summer. And to have a little break from the pressures and expectations of regular blogging."

I like that there are "no rules!" :)

You can find out more about it here.


Anonymous said...

That's a neat idea! Good project for kids, too. She has a pretty blog.

I figured out how to post here - I sign up elsewhere and THEN come here:)

Marty said...

Yay! So glad it worked. Thank you Laura!